Global Periodic Maintenance Table

* AGT Robotics recommends System Maintenance is performed on a "Per frequency" basis.  The Global Maintenance Table Excel file contains 3 tabs: Items grouped by frequency Items grouped by component Complete list of all Maintenance items Each item has a link to a reference document or procedure to explain how to perform the maintenance.  The detailed information on each element is being reviewed and contents is being updated. I* mportant note: Depending on system usage, maintenance frequency may be adjusted*

Batch Edit

Instructions *1. For the cells with a dropdown: multiple possible values columns, meaning usually the ones that contain text in the cells and not numbers.* 1.1 Right click on any cell in any columns that are not in the columns "Last Modified" or in "Debug". 1.2 To modify one cell, you only click right on one cell.  For example, in the picture below, you can see I clicked right on a cell in Surface Finish. To modify one cell, you only click right on one cell. A menu bar will appear with four options. 1.3 To modify multiple cells 1.3.1 Select Rows*: Press the  Shift* key on your keyboard. Simultaneously, click on the  first row* you want to edit. Then, click on the  last row* in the range you wish to modify.     1.3.2 Batch Edit*: As shown in the picture below, you’ll notice that  multiple


· * Three different validations are conducted in the welding database. The objective is to ensure the comprehensive integrity of all joint criteria. * *   * *1.     Click on the button “Run validation” that is only in the general tab of the header of the welding db.* 1.1 *Invalid Records.* Invalid records are those containing at least one welding criteria that does not comply with the specified rules for them. All records that have at least one  should be listed in the Invalid Records table. 1.2* Duplicate Records* - We categorize criteria into two types: single value-based and range-based. Single value-based criteria apply to the properties of Special Joint Type, Surface Finish, Part Interface Orientation, Aperture Angle, Floor Angle, Pass Number and Total Pass Number. The second type

LayoutMaster: Adjusting the air conditioning

The air conditioning unit (Rittal SK3305.510) included with the LayoutMaster has a few settings that needs to be changed from the factory settings. 1- Make sure that the A/C has power. The display on the A/C should show the actual internal temperature 2- Press and hold the SET button for 5 seconds until "ST" appears on the display. Release the SET button once "ST" is displayed 3- From this menu, you can cycle up or down using the UP/DOWN ( °C/°F)  buttons. This will let you cycle trough all the settings that can be changed. Here is a list of settings that can be changed: St (Set Temperature)* Fi (Filter Monitoring) Ad (Master-slave) CF ( Celsius/Faranheit) H1 (Hysteresis) *H2 (Differential Error)* ECO (Eco-mode)* PSO (Password) We will only change the settings in Bold (St, H2 & ECO)* 4- Us