LayoutMaster: Adjusting the air conditioning  

The air conditioning unit (Rittal SK3305.510) included with the LayoutMaster has a few settings that needs to be changed from the factory settings.

1- Make sure that the A/C has power. The display on the A/C should show the actual internal temperature 

2- Press and hold the SET button for 5 seconds until "ST" appears on the display. Release the SET button once "ST" is displayed

3- From this menu, you can cycle up or down using the UP/DOWN (°C/°F) buttons. This will let you cycle trough all the settings that can be changed. Here is a list of settings that can be changed:

  1. St (Set Temperature)

  2. Fi (Filter Monitoring)

  3. Ad (Master-slave)

  4. CF ( Celsius/Faranheit)

  5. H1 (Hysteresis)

  6. H2 (Differential Error)

  7. ECO (Eco-mode)

  8. PSO (Password)

We will only change the settings in Bold (St, H2 & ECO)

4- Use the UP/DOWN button until you get to the "St" setting. Press the "Set" button once to enter the setting. You should now see the actual setting (35 from factory). Wait until the display blink (about 3 sec.)

5- We want to set it to 26. Press the DOWN button once. The message "Cod" will appear. This means you need to enter the password to change the setting. The default Password is  "22".

6- Press the UP button once. The number "0" will appear. Keep pressing UP until you reach 22 then press "Set" to confirm the password.

7- The value of the "St" setting ("35") will now reappear . Use the DOWN button to bring that value to X then press "Set" once to accept that setting.

X = 26C when the docking goes directly to the projectorr

X = 26C when the projector is in a conditionned chamber. 

8- You will now be back to the list of setting and the display will show "St". Use the UP or DOWN button until you reach the next setting we want to change which is "H2".

9- Press the "Set" button once to enter the setting and you will now see the factory setting "5" being displayed. We want to set it to "15".

10- Press the DOWN button once to bring that setting to "15". Then press "Set" to enter that setting. 

11- You will now be back to the list of setting and the display will show "St". Use the UP or DOWN button until you reach the next setting we want to change which is "ECO".

12- Press the "Set" button once to enter the setting and you will now see the factory setting "1" being displayed. We want to set it to "0".

13- Press the DOWN button once to bring that setting to "0". Then press "Set" to enter that setting. 

14- You will be back to the setting menu and the display will show "ECO". You now need to save all the changes you have made to the settings. This is done by holding the "Set" button for 5 seconds until the display shows Acc (Accepted). Only then will your settings be changed.

NOTE: You will notice that you are not required to enter a password ("Cod") when we change the second setting (ECO). This is because it is still active from when we first entered it in the St setting. If we ever exit the setting menu, we would need to enter it again.